Sex Parties
Done Right
with Lila

“Play parties are important
because they take
sex out
of isolation and they say,
“Go ahead,
look. This is
natural, we do this, and
it’s okay
to look at it.”
However, there are ways to
something because
watching is participating,

and you will affect the
thing you are watching
the energy with which you
are watching it”


“Play parties are important
because they take
sex out
of isolation and they say,
“Go ahead,
look. This is
natural, we do this, and
it’s okay
to look at it.”
However, there are ways to
something because
watching is participating,

and you will affect the
thing you are watching
the energy with which you
are watching it”

Today on That Sex Chick:

  • What to expect at a sex play party
  • Lila’s “FBID” exercise to prepare
    for a play party
  • How to physically prepare your body
    and your tool kit
  • How to give consent and gracefully
    receive a rejection
  • Play party etiquette, safer sex talk,
    and hygiene
  • How to reframe your jealousy into arousal
  • Play party best practices

play this episode

Curious about sex play parties? Lila Donnolo is
on the show to unpack everything
you need to
know before attending or hosting one!

She breaks down what to expect at a play
party, how to physically and emotionally

prepare, play party etiquette and safer sex talk,
and all the best practices along
with red flags to
look out for.

This is a juicy, illuminating, and dynamic
conversation that will expand your mind to

what’s possible in a sex positive culture.

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That Sex Chick, and you’ll get access to
Your Inner Kink,” a guided meditation and more,
created by Alexa!

This show is produced by Soulfire Productions