Bryn Marhefka, COO & Head Women’s Coach
Bio: After my 10-year marriage ended, I knew that there was a gaping hole in my personal development: SEX. So I hired Alexa as my first sex coach to help me access my desires. It was in that process that my true calling came online! Now, I help women amplify their confidence, truly know their desires, and create a life that turns them on.
Location: Austin, TX
Favorite Sex Toy: Satisfyer Pro
Area(s) of Expertise: Feminine Embodiment, Inner Child Work, Story Work, Sensuality
Credentials: Graduate of Sex & Love University, Training Camp for the Soul graduate, Level 1 Enlifted Coach, Sound Healing, Trauma & Somatics Education
Quote to Live By: “If you want to know where your true power lies go the places you’ve been told to fear the most. Your orgasm. Your period. Labor and birth. Menopause. All processes that involve your p*ssy.”
Instagram: @brynmarhefka