Jordan Bowditch x Ep. 49

“Play parties are important because they take
sex out of isolation and they say, “Go ahead,
look. This is natural, we do this, and it’s okay
to look at it.” However, there are ways to watch
something because watching is participating,
and you will affect the thing you are watching
by the energy with which you are watching it”

“Play parties are important because they take
sex out of isolation and they say, “Go ahead,
look. This is natural, we do this, and it’s okay
to look at it.” However, there are ways to watch
something because watching is participating,
and you will affect the thing you are watching
by the energy with which you are watching it”

Birthday Q&A: Hot Sex, Body Love, and Healing Father Wounds

“I look at our relationship and I’m aware of what both of us bring to the table, so the amount of sexual partners we have each had doesn’t affect the quality of our character and our relationship.”

Today on That Sex Chick:

  • Healing Alexa’s relationship with her father

  • Alexa’s relationship with her body

  • Reducing shame around STIs and multiple partners

  • Favorite advice Alexa’s been given around love & being a team with Jordan

  • Alexa’s best sex experience at age 32! 

  • What Alexa wants to leave behind and take forward with her this year

  • Jordan’s birthday wish for Alexa 

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In today’s episode, Jordan interviews Alexa for her 33rd birthday! As she moves into this new year, Lex vulnerably shares what’s on her heart around familial relationships, releasing resentment, and closing loops. Jordan also asks some juicy questions on dating, Lex’s favorite advice on relationships, and her best sex experience at age 32. They wrap up the episode with Jordan sharing his birthday wish for Lex, and Lex sharing what she wants to leave behind and bring with her into this new year.

Connect with Alexa:

Click here to submit your review for That Sex Chick, and you’ll get access to “Uncover Your Inner Kink,” a guided meditation and more, created by Alexa! 

This show is produced by Soulfire Productions